A downloadable game

This game is a prototype made for a Game Design 2 class. The concept was that we needed to make any type of game of our choosing, but it must be based on the lore of the Dresden Files Book Series (link to wiki: https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Dresden_Files). Some aspects of our game were inspired by BattleBlock Theatre and Celeste, but our game is mostly a platformer with some aspects of puzzle solving and collectathons.

Team Members: 
Tanessa Howard
Dominic Augello
Gabe Goldsteen
Robert Disbrow


Once on the main menu, you can look at our help page on the right which lists the gameplay instructions or you can look at the suspect list on the left. The suspect list tells you about the suspects you will need to pick from at the end of the level. Based on the witnesses and clues throughout the level you will need to correctly pick who the real criminal is to truly win the game. While playing the game you can pause anytime with the pause button at the top right of the screen, click on it with your mouse to pause. On the pause menu, you can resume, look at the help page again, or quit. Platform your way across the entire level and be sure to explore to find all of the 3 witnesses and 3 clues, good luck!

Gameplay instructions:

G: Switch between gravity modes (top of screen UI says which mode you're in)
          Regular Gravity:
          Can't double jump or wall jump, faster falls, smaller jump height.
          Moon Gravity:
          Double jump and wall jumping enabled, slower falls, larger jump height.

Shift: Sprint/Run
Space: Jump
A and D: Move left and right respectively


Build.zip 33 MB

Install instructions

To download and play the game download the Build file/folder, extract the zipped files in that folder, then run the Project3.exe
If your computer asks to keep or discard the .dll file make sure to keep it. If your computer also warns you that running the exe can be harmful just make sure to run it anyway (hit more info and click run anyway).

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